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Carnal Lust

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Carnal Lust

  ISBN #978-0-85715-144-5

  ©Copyright Ashley Ladd 2010

  Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright May 2010

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Ashley Ladd


  For everybody who needs a second chance and for all lovers of the planet Earth.

  Chapter One

  Kes languished in the arms of her lover, a man she knew not by name but by his deep, sexy voice and his intoxicating kisses. She bade the sun not to set so she could steal more time in his arms, for when the moon chased the sun out of the sky, her lover would evaporate and she would be thrust back into the real world. And the real world was hell.

  But this was heaven, if a vampire could be in heaven. She writhed and twisted in his arms, pressing her naked flesh to his. He was lithe and strong for a human, and he never failed to pleasure her.

  “Are you in the mood to play, milady?” her lover murmured against her flesh.

  She tilted her lips into a smile and nodded. “Wild and rough.”

  He beamed at her with a sparkle in his eyes. “Whatever milady wishes.”

  When he shackled her to the bed posts, her stomach pressed to the mattress, her legs spread wide, she didn’t demur. She squirmed with anticipation, her pussy clenching.

  She turned her head and watched as he spread oil over his beautiful cock and then climbed aboard the bed. She lay there helpless, swaying with the motion as he approached stealthily. Her ass clenched, too, yearning for his touch. When he delivered a stinging slap to her bare buttocks, she screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Never before had anyone spanked her, and she tingled.

  Titillated, she rubbed her breasts against the bed, cajoling him to unite with her. But he sat beside her and ran the tips of his fingers across her back, to the edges of her breasts then pulled back. He walked them to the small of her back and withdrew again.

  “Do you not wish to make love to me? To fuck me?”

  “Are you that anxious to feel my cock move inside you? To be one with me?” He drew himself up to his knees and drew the tip of his cock along her side.

  He bent by her ear and dipped his tongue inside. Then he whispered huskily, “Does that feel good? How bad do you want it?”

  Her rear throbbed with an exquisite ache but not enough. She yearned for much more. “I crave your cock. I want you to fill me, to be inside me. Now.”

  “You are a wanton witch, indeed, and need to be tamed. And I shall be the one to tame you.”

  “Tame me,” she said, although she would never truly be tamed. In truth, she was much stronger and wilder than he could possibly be. She could break the bonds that tethered her to the bed with hardly a twitch. But she stayed tied for the pleasure. “Climb on me and give me your cock.”

  “What a bold and sassy wench you are. I shall have to fuck you but good to teach you a lesson.” With that he worked his cock into her ass until he was all the way in. Then he held her hips and drove in and out.

  Her heart raced, and her breath came in short puffs. Ecstasy filled her.

  The bonds snapped as if they were thread instead of leather, and she rose to her knees. As he moved inside her ass, she impaled herself on his cock.

  He lay on her and reached around to rub her clit. Alternately, he swept his tongue across her back and dropped kisses on it. They rocked together until she exploded in rapturous ecstasy and fell to the bed.

  He withdrew and fell onto her then rolled her onto her back. His face lay in shadow so that she could only make out the silhouette of his handsome figure before he drove into her again. As many times as they had been together, she did not know his name much less his face.

  As she came again, her lover faded away, and she awoke. Alone.

  * * * *

  Hours later Kes couldn’t rip her gaze from the devil who had blown up Earth. She didn’t take her gaze from Nikolai, the destroyer. She quaked with hatred. How she hated this boil on the face of humanity!

  She knew better than to be deceived by his sunny hair, the twinkle in his eyes or his handsome figure. Nor did the sparkle in his smile fool her.

  She cursed the currents of time for bringing her family back to the Earth of the devil’s youth. When Nikolai had blown up Earth in the twenty-third century, it had hurled her parents’ space ship more than a thousand years into Earth’s past. But ranting and screaming at fate wasn’t helping.

  Instead of fairy tales and happily ever afters like normal children, she’d grown up with bedtime stories of how the evil vampire, Nikolai, had blasted apart their world and left only a rag tag group of vampires as Earth’s legacy to the universe. It wasn’t exactly how the humans of her mother’s generation had envisioned their future.

  Despite herself, she nursed a morbid fascination for the destroyer. She couldn’t stop her thoughts thus night after night she followed him, ever watchful and waiting, but for what she knew not.

  Although Nikolai wasn’t yet a vampire, he roamed through the moonlit nights. He often rode bent low over his horse, becoming one with it under the stars over the windswept moors. Even when the night was stormy and tumultuous such as this, he frequented the seedy pubs outlying his lands. His army often attacked his enemies under cover of the night’s shadows.

  She spat out the vile taste he left in her mouth. He was a born bloodsucker. Just not in the same way as she.

  “Your obsession with the man is not healthy. Your mother and I worry about you,” her father said.

  Although her father’s appearance surprised her, she stifled a sigh and slid an annoyed glance over her shoulder. At several hundred years old, Dmitri didn’t look more than forty. He was tall and broad-shouldered, muscular and lean. His black hair sprang back from a high forehead, and his gaze pierced her with an intensity that would haunt a mere mortal. Being back on earth, he thrived with vitality and exuded a dangerous command that frightened mortals and lesser vampires. Few souls knew he and his vampire family had once been so sickly they were on the verge of extinction after being banished by frightened mortals from twentieth century earth, a place that sounded unreal to those of this time, a place nothing like the sixteenth century.

  In fact, their dialect was so peculiar most of the locals thought they spoke a different tongue, especially her mother who had been born on twenty-third century Earth. Dmitri was spawned from the seventeenth century, more than two hundred years into Kes’s future.

  The time line made her head spin and exc
ept for a few relics from the future they’d scavenged from their spaceship, she had great difficulty imagining the marvels of her parents’ time. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact her grandparents hadn’t yet been conceived.

  Worse, she was obsessed with a future that was doomed.

  Knowing the exact date and time of Earth’s final day was a source of constant dread. Even if she told the mortals, they wouldn’t believe her. They’d think her a witch as well as a vampire.

  Not that she really cared. Her family kept their distance from the mortals, and since she was already undead, very few things could bring about her demise. Until 2252 AD…

  She hated knowing the date of her death and already felt dead in so many ways. Her hope was that they’d find a way to change time and stop the coming horror.

  She swallowed the wry laugh tickling her throat. The mortals would never believe that the vampires were Earth’s only hope or that it was up to her family to change history by preventing Nikolai from annihilating it.

  “Let it go, daughter. It’s not your fight.” A growl arose in her father’s throat. “He’s mine.”

  Kes turned back to stare at the picture of Nikolai and narrowed her eyes at her quarry wishing him already dead. “Then why haven’t you done away with him? Surely, he’s easier prey now before he’s turned.” Once that happened, she feared their enemy would be the invincible demon of her parents’ tales.

  Dmitri intently regarded the other man before looking back at her. “It’s not time.”

  Frustrated screams arose in her throat, and she dug her nails into her palms to keep her calm. “How will you know when it’s the right time? What if you wait too long?”

  “Patience, daughter. There are hundreds of years before that happens.”

  “On the old timeline. The mere fact that we’re here proves things change.” She tilted back her head and gave him a smug look.

  The corners of Dmitri’s lips quirked. He curled his arm around her and squeezed. “How do you know this isn’t part of the greater plan?”

  Her head ached with all the possibilities like so much tangled yarn. She was exhausted from trying to unravel such a mess.

  As if reading her thoughts, Dmitri shook his head. “Stop wasting your life. Enjoy your youth.”

  How was she supposed to do that? She’d seen horrid pictures of Earth’s final inglorious moments that her parents thought safely locked away in their vaults. Again, she was sucked into the horrible vision of seeing her planet lush and green from space one moment then witnessing the fiery explosions that ripped it into a billion deadly meteors the next. It was clearer to her than the ground under her feet.

  * * * *

  Nikolai could feel her watching…again.

  The comely blonde kept her distance, but he knew she was there. Night after night. Month after month.

  He wondered why she watched him. More importantly, he wondered who she was.

  A few well-placed inquiries merely told him she was part of the secluded village many whispered held nameless evil.

  But he could not believe she was wicked. No one so ethereally beautiful could possibly be. When the moonlight chased away the shadows in which she hid, her skin was a beautiful alabaster and her eyes reflected the foam of sea green as the sun set over the ocean.

  He wondered why she never smiled, why she regarded him as if he brought great fright. He longed to assure her there was no reason to be scared. He was the most benevolent Lord in all the land. He treated the peasants with dignity and respect. He oft forgave them their debts and lent aid in times of famine.

  Nay, the sweet mistress had nary a reason to fear him.

  He vowed to find out who she was, to curry her favour and discover why she kept such close vigil.

  No other maiden tickled his fancy or played with his imagination. He wondered if she were his soul mate sent by the Almighty.

  Of late, she’d been the star of his many erotic dreams. Although she was of slight build with small breasts, she looked to be lithe and supple and her nipples stood pert against her garb. She moved like the wind and exuded the grace of a feline.

  More and more, she consumed his thoughts, and he yearned to know the taste of her lips, the touch of her hand and the caress of her fingertips.

  Just thinking about the beauty made his cock flex and grow hard which made him curse. Again he’d have to visit a pub and pay for a wench so he could dip his wick.

  This was idle-headed!

  Why should he pay to visit a leaping house when it was the comely blonde he longed to bed? By God’s teeth, her days of hiding were over!

  * * * *

  Annoyance with her father bloomed into agitation. Kes couldn’t stand the thought of letting Nikolai walk this earth. He deserved to pay for his sins.

  “Even if he’s not committed them yet?” a small voice in the back of her mind asked.

  A primitive growl arose through her, and she tamped it down. Since when was a born vampire soft?

  Who cared if his sins were in the future or past? She knew without a doubt he’d murdered billions of innocent people and snuffed the brightest star in the universe. He couldn’t be allowed to repeat his sin.

  Her fangs pierced her gums, and she snarled. His days were numbered. No longer could she wait for her sire to take care of him. Nikolai would be hers, or she’d die trying.

  Just his name made her shake with hatred. Her heart hammered against her ribs, and her hands shook with rage. The man was a scourge on the face of the planet. He was an abomination. And he had to be stopped.

  Zanna, her mother nudged her. Still a blonde beauty who had stopped aging at thirty-five, strangers oft took her for Kes’ sister. Her green eyes flashed with concern. “Have you eaten? You look peaked.”

  Kes flinched. At twenty-six she was no longer a ‘child’ even if her parents were several hundred years her senior. “What’s food when we’re all doomed?”

  Dmitri softly cursed under his breath. As if she wasn’t there, he muttered to her mother, “She’s obsessed with you-know-who.”

  Zanna scowled, and she pushed a pint of blood at Kes. As if she was still a military commander, she ordered, “Drink. By giving up, you’re letting that man win.”

  Kes’s fangs burst through her lips, and her nails tingled as they extended into claws. She banged the table with her fist making the skin of blood jump. The villagers kept several just like it in emergency storage that they had gathered from willing mortals. “You mean that beast? I will not let him win.”

  Zanna grabbed the bag as it would have spilt and held it out to her. “Prove it.”

  Kes was tired of this inane life, tired of being under her parents’ thumbs and tired of waiting for someone to do something about this plague. As an adult, she thought for herself. However, not liking the weak feeling, she bit into the bag and gulped down her food. Instantly, her energy renewed. She glared at her elders. “Happy now?”

  Even as her mother answered, her thoughts overrode the words. Revelation struck her, and she stared into the distance as visions reverberated through her.

  She knew what she must do.

  Slay Nikolai.

  She was through waiting for her sire to take action. He was much too soft. He had too much humanity left. She wouldn’t make that mistake.

  She chafed that she’d have to wait ‘til night fall. This had to end this now.

  * * * *

  Nikolai rode over his lands, checking on his people. Worry creased his brow. The drought threatened them all. Small patches of green looked like a pestilence in the much larger stretches of dead, baked grass. In some places, the earth was devoid of even that and lay dry and cracked. Most of the meandering streams were dried up. He cursed when he came upon skeletons of cattle. He feared the humans would soon follow their wretched fate. He mourned the absence of the rich tapestry of colour and texture of the fertile valleys that had not long ago comprised his lands.

  He shook his head at the vision of what
his land should be. “Reach into my stores, and dole them out to my people,” he commanded his trusted advisor.

  “By my gammers wooden leg! Pray, milord, what if thy stores become but a pennyworth? We may starve.”

  Nikolai waved away his worries. “God’s blood! We have plentiful stores. It would be a travesty not to share whilst others perish.”

  “But it will deplete…” Robert’s face turned a ruddy colour while his knuckles paled on the reins.

  Trying to leash his anger, Nikolai counted to ten. He didn’t like to lose his temper, but he was dangerously close. “Enow! I have so commanded.”

  The man tilted his head. “As you will, milord. We shall ride out at first light of dawn on the morrow.”

  “Very good. Send out my knights to the far reaches of my land to check on every household and report back. Feed every hungry mouth.”

  “Aye, milord.”

  Nikolai’s lips set in grimness as he surveyed all that was his, for what it was worth. The large expanse of rolling hills, interspersed with rural valleys, should be lush and fertile with long stretches of heather as far as the eye could see. Mother Nature was proving once again she was superior, as if she had a grudge to pay.

  He spied an isolated stone farmhouse along an undulating footpath in the distance and turned his steed in that direction. “We shall visit them.”

  “Now?” Robert asked his eyes, widening. He corralled his mount beside Nikolai’s, holding the reins firm as his horse stomped its hoof into the dirt as if picking up on its owner’s mood.

  Nikolai’s brow rose high into his forehead, and his pulse pounded in his throat.

  “Now.” The word sounded more like a growl. If the old man hadn’t been his father’s most trusted aide and if Nikolai had not grown up thinking of him as a second father, he’d remove him from position as his advisor and move him into something innocuous. But Nikolai held a fondness for Robert that transcended the bounds of master and groom. Still, Nikolai wondered if senility riddled Robert’s mind.